Amber’s Journey

By Make Your Mark! (Health All Round)

This work was created by a group of individuals who had never before worked with stop-motion animation. Each scene was created independently from the others. The animation was inspired by the book ‘The Heart and the Bottle’ by Oliver Jeffers, and members were encouraged to interpret their scene in a way that was unique to them, regardless of other people in the group's interpretation of their scene. It was created over 6, 2-hour sessions.       

Comments from the group members:     

“The story made me aware of how we lock our emotions away as adults”.   

“I noticed that Amber was learning different ways to learn. She began learning by doing and experiencing”.        

“Connecting to Amber’s experience resonated with my own and it helped me realise how much you need to have fun, learn and play”.    

“This was a great introduction to stop-motion animation”.

“This was a new challenge”.

“Amber’s Journey encouraged us to reconnect with our creativity, learn to accept mistakes, get our brains working and to re-learn how to play again because as adults there aren’t many opportunities to play”.        

“Making the animation showed me how we can create something from simple materials and it doesn’t have to be specialist materials”.       

“There was no judgement while we learned from each other through playing with the materials”.        

“I found it empowering because we each got a scene to do by ourselves”.    




Wolf spider